Posted on 10/21/2020

Help us support local business and listen to some incredible music live from the Belly Up stage. Whether you’re sheltering-in-place, parents of children who are “zooming” instead of attending school, or a family separated from loved ones, we know that COVID-19 has been hard on everyone. Running two auto repair businesses in Solana Beach (N. Cedros and Highway 101) we talk to a lot of neighbors and we know that these are trying times for sure. The crisis has hit especially hard at the arts, musicians and the venues that support the artists. Since 1980, DRIVE AutoCare has been an integral part of the small business community in Solana Beach. Building a business in a beautiful place like North County we have a lot to be proud of. That’s why we’re so passionate about supporting other local businesses like ourselves. To support our local community, DRIVE AutoCare is giving away 10 FREE tickets to the ... read more
Posted on 10/6/2020

Record-breaking hot weather, low humidity, and wind have fueled California wildfires during the 2020 historic fire season. During the month of September, San Diego experienced ash, soot, and dust from the wildfires in addition to our normal pollen and pollutants. Your vehicle’s cabin air filter is designed to protect you from these contaminants. Normally, the cabin air filter is changed every 12,000 miles. However, under the current fire conditions, your cabin air filter should be changed more often. (Read to the bottom of this article for DRIVE AutoCare’s special offer!) About the Cabin Air Filter In most cars, the cabin air filter sits behind the glove compartment. This filter is a small pleated unit, often made of an engineered material or paper-based, multifiber cotton. Before air can move into the interior of the car, it goes through this filter, trapping any contaminants within the air to prevent them from infiltrating the air you breath ... read more
Posted on 7/15/2020

DRIVE AutoCare has been monitoring the coronavirus updates from the State of California and the local San Diego government. We are doing everything in our power to keep our shop open so that we can keep your car on the road. You can count on us at a time like this especially if you need our help. For your peace of mind, we are adhering to the following guidelines in our shop as suggested by the CDC and other medical professionals: – We are continuing to disinfect frequently touched surfaces such as light switches, doorknobs, handles, restrooms, counters, tables, and furniture multiple times throughout the day. – Our technicians wear disposable gloves while working on the interior & exterior of your vehicle. – Your vehicle’s steering wheel and gear shift are covered with a protective plastic covering. – Your car’s interior, including the dashboard and door handles, are sanitized before your vehicle is returned to you. – Our staff is re ... read more
Posted on 6/30/2020

July 4th is a celebrated day here in America because it symbolizes our freedom and the independence of our nation. We know that Independence Day this year will look a lot different than in previous years. Festivals will be canceled and fireworks shows may not run. However, there are still ways in which you can enjoy the holiday while keeping safe during the pandemic. Even though you won't be able to have your usual parties or attend your usual festivities, you can still enjoy the day with loved ones, fire up the grill, and enjoy some small fireworks at home. If you're planning on going to a family member or friend's home, you'll be on the road with many other drivers. Safety should be a priority, so here are some tips on how to enjoy the day safely and without incident: Since we are still in the midst of a pandemic, be sure to follow recommendations by the CDC which including wearing a mask in public, washing your hands regularly, sanitizing ... read more
Posted on 6/15/2020

Having trouble finding hand sanitizer at your local store? Don’t worry! DRIVE AutoCare has got you covered. While supplies last, drop into our offices for a free bottle! By now we know that the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) recommends using hand sanitizer to reduce the spread of coronavirus. But did you know they published guidelines for how to use hand sanitizer? We didn’t either! Here are all the details you’ve been longing for… 60% Alcohol Choose a hand sanitizer with at least 60-percent alcohol. Hand sanitizer with less than 60-percent alcohol may not kill many types of germs and tends to just reduce the number of germs versus destroying them. How to Use Hand Sanitizer Ever read the instructions on a bottle of shampoo? Well, the guidelines for using hand sanitizer are similar. First, apply the product into the palm of one. Next, rub the product all over the surfaces of your hands. Finally, allo ... read more
Posted on 3/27/2020

To DRIVE AutoCare customers: I know we are all managing an influx of information - it’s a lot. We wanted to take a moment to let you know that we are taking COVID-19 seriously. At this time we are open during our regular business hours, Monday-Friday, 8am-5pm. We are considered a “critical” business providing State Inspections as well as providing service to first responders, health care workers, those of us who care for loved ones, need to see a doctor, electricians, plumbers, city officials, day care workers and the list goes on. We will be here to help you as long as is possible. We know you need your vehicle to be safe and dependable so if you should need our services just give us a call at 858-755-5015 (Highway 101) or 858-793-0560 (N. Cedros). Our priority is the health and safety of our customers, employees and community. We have and will continue to take the necessary precautions to ensure this. If you’re hesitant to leave the house, just requ ... read more