Posted on 10/6/2020

Record-breaking hot weather, low humidity, and wind have fueled California wildfires during the 2020 historic fire season. During the month of September, San Diego experienced ash, soot, and dust from the wildfires in addition to our normal pollen and pollutants. Your vehicle’s cabin air filter is designed to protect you from these contaminants. Normally, the cabin air filter is changed every 12,000 miles. However, under the current fire conditions, your cabin air filter should be changed more often. (Read to the bottom of this article for DRIVE AutoCare’s special offer!) About the Cabin Air Filter In most cars, the cabin air filter sits behind the glove compartment. This filter is a small pleated unit, often made of an engineered material or paper-based, multifiber cotton. Before air can move into the interior of the car, it goes through this filter, trapping any contaminants within the air to prevent them from infiltrating the air you breath ... read more