Posted on 4/28/2022

DRIVE AutoCare Welcomes Troy Greig from All German Auto DRIVE AutoCare is proud to welcome Troy Greig, Service Manager, to our team of professionals! After nearly two decades at All German Auto, Troy Greig has joined DRIVE AutoCare as Service Manager. In his previous role at All German Auto, Troy developed a loyal following of BMW, Mercedes Benz, Porsche, Audi, VW, Mini Cooper and Sprinter owners. Today, Troy is thrilled to work with the award-winning team at DRIVE AutoCare to continue the legacy of legendary customer service and quality repairs. A New Pro Joins the Company With 23 years' experience in Service Manager leadership, Troy is a highly respected industry veteran who brings a wealth of customer service knowledge, technical skills and operational know-how to his new role. Troy has excellent communication skills and uses communication to build relationships of trust and commitment with customers. Additionally, his focus on workplace communication is vital to ... read more
Posted on 12/13/2020

Spark plugs have been around since cars were first dreamed about. The first spark plugs were developed in the mid-1800s and while others had a hand in developing them, Robert Bosch was the one to perfect and patent the technology in 1901. Today, if you drive a gasoline-powered or hybrid vehicle, your vehicle has spark plugs. So it's worth taking a few minutes to understand how they work. What are spark plugs? Spark plugs are a major component of your vehicle's ignition system. They create the electric spark needed to continuously ignite the fuel-air in the combustion chamber of your car. Every vehicle requires a specific spark plug. When your spark plugs are in good shape, they burn fuel efficiently. But like your motor oil, spark plugs also require routine maintenance and replacement. A faulty spark plug is one that has become dirty or has blistered and worn out from running too hot. Just one bad spark plug will a ... read more
Posted on 10/16/2020

Coolant is an essential fluid that should be regularly checked as your vehicle tacks on miles. Periodically inspecting the coolant can find potential problems before they turn into severe damage. If you pop the hood and check the coolant, it should be pollutant-free and sweet-smelling. Healthy engine coolant is typically green and pink. Coolant in an unhealthy engine is milky-looking. Milky coolant can appear grey, dull, dark, or white. Coolant that is milky and dull in color can indicate a significant issue with the head gasket that needs immediate attention. A vehicle’s head gasket is fitted between the engine block and cylinder head. It’s usually made of copper or steel material. The head gasket has numerous functions, but its primary job is to keep the coolant and motor oil separate from the combustion chamber. If this function fails, the coolant can become diluted with oil. Diluted coolant will not be able to adequately cool the engine, eventually leading to the engin ... read more
Posted on 2/14/2019

5 Reasons Your Car Might Need Brake Repair When it comes to automotive comfort and safety, there are 5 reasons your car might need brake repair. DRIVE AutoCare believes you should be aware of the signs of failing brakes. Here are 5 reasons that your vehicle probably needs immediate brake repair: Brakes squeal when applied Your brakes are designed to squeal or screech when the brake pads are getting thin. This is often the first sign of brake failure. When you hear squealing or screeching, you should get your car to a local repair shop immediately. Failure to do so may result in larger, more expensive repairs down the road. Car vibrates when the brakes are applied If you apply the brakes and you feel shaking, vibrating or other odd motions, you probably have warped rotors. Brake pads grab the rotors to slow your vehicle. Warped rotors ... read more
Posted on 2/8/2018

Tire Codes - What Do They Mean? Tire Codes - What Do They Mean? There’s a lot of important information on the sidewall of a tire, but deciphering all of it can be tough. By understanding these codes, you can decide if a tire is right for their vehicle, driving style, and road conditions. According to US News & World Reports, some of the information is mandated by government regulation, providing a description of the tire’s size, intended use, capacities, and manufacturing source. Brand and Model The largest type on the sidewall shows its brand and model. That might seem like basic information, but if you are shopping for a used car, you’ll want to walk all the way around to make sure that all of the tires match. If you are replacing your vehicle’s tires, consult your car’s ... read more
Posted on 12/21/2017

German Automobile Repair Tips German Automobile Repair Tips from DRIVE AutoCare where we specialize in Mercedes Benz, BMW, Porsche, Audi, Volkswagen and Mini Cooper. Since the 1980, we have learned a lot about German-made vehicles: 1. German automobiles require specialized service: German manufactured vehicles are specialized for performance. To ensure performance, specialty tools and expensive diagnostic equipment are required that are specific to your make, model and brand. It is strongly recommend that you stay away from generic automotive shops that work on all makes and models and do not have the equipment, or expertise to properly maintain and repair your German performance vehicle. 2. Your vehicle has upwards of 90 computers on board: Today’s complex German vehicles are rolling electronics and computers. Today’s Mercedes Benz ... read more
Posted on 12/20/2017

Digital Vehicle Inspections Digital Vehicle Inspections: DRIVE AutoCare now employs the latest digital technology which allows our customers to see, before buying. A picture is worth a thousand words so in to help our customers visualize the necessity of recommended services, DRIVE AutoCare is taking multiple photos of the vehicle conditions to illustrate the metal-to-metal brakes, fluid leaks, or bulging tires and how any of these or other service scenarios can be remedied. Industry best practices suggest that our technicians take between five and seven photos during every inspection. Think of the multi-point inspection feature as your gateway to an illustrative story detailing your vehicle's overall condition. These inspections are color-coded, providing sections for technician notes and recommendations. The Notes section is the go-to place for illustrating problem ... read more
Posted on 12/22/2016

ASE Certified Technicians in Encinitas, Cardiff, Del Mar, Solana Beach It seem that every automotive repair shop has a sign stating they employ ASE Certified Technicians in Encinitas, Cardiff, Del Mar, Solana Beach. This sign states that the technicians are certified by the National Institute for Automotive Service Excellence. Have you ever noticed that sign and wondered what it means? ASE, is short for the National Institute for Automotive Service Excellence. Since 1972 the independent, non-profit organization has worked to improve the quality of vehicle repair and service by testing and certifying automotive professionals. ASE promotes excellence in vehicle repair, service and parts distribution and over 300,000 automotive technicians hold an ASE certification. The ASE certification exists to protect the automotive service consumer and shop owners. They test and certify automotive pro ... read more
Posted on 10/27/2015

It's the great debate of the Independent Repair Shop Vs Dealership! David Vs Goliath! But what do studies actually say about this heated topic? We hear it all the time, "I'm a dealer guy, I always bring my car to the dealer for repairs." So we've wondered, are dealers a better value than your local mechanic? We may have a slight bias on this topic but who better to ask for a fair and balanced view than Consumer Reports. Consumer Reports 2015 Repair Satisfaction Survey found that when your car is ailing, odds are that you’ll be more satisfied with an independent repair shop than with a new-car dealership. The annual survey of Consumer Reports subscribers found that independents outscored dealership service once again for overall satisfaction, price, quality, courteousness of the staff, and work being completed when promised. With few exceptions, the entire list of independent ... read more