Posted on 10/29/2015

Don't Neglect Car Maintenance Following these 6 Tips to Improve Car Performance with the help of your favorite auto repair shop will increase automotive value, comfort and safety: Pay Attention To The Check Engine Light: According to, 10% of all drivers have a check engine light on at any time and 50% of those drivers ignore the light for more than 3 months. Ignoring a "check engine light" can be an expensive mistake that impacts fuel economy and have a snowball effect that can cause other problems or even risk safety. The #1 reason for a check engine light is a malfunctioning oxygen sensor which costs less than $500 to fix but ignoring it can reduce gas mileage by as much as 40%. Change Your Oil and Other Fluids Regularly: The most common mistake drivers make is to extend oil change intervals ... read more
Posted on 10/28/2015

Nothing will shorten your car's engine life faster than missed oil changes. Changing motor oil is a simple, inexpensive service that’s widely touted as the single most important part of your car’s maintenance schedule. Motor oil’s primary function is to cut friction. Over time, oil accumulates contaminants and loses viscosity and the resulting friction causes engine parts to rub together. Parts wear out faster and the damage caused is largely irreversible without an engine overhaul or replacement. But advances in technology and increased consumer awareness have created some confusion regarding the proper interval between oil changes. So, how often should you change your oil? It really comes down to the manufacturer’s recommended maintenance schedule for oil change intervals as their guidelines are designed to keep your car in good running condition for a long time. To make life ea ... read more
Posted on 10/27/2015

It's the great debate of the Independent Repair Shop Vs Dealership! David Vs Goliath! But what do studies actually say about this heated topic? We hear it all the time, "I'm a dealer guy, I always bring my car to the dealer for repairs." So we've wondered, are dealers a better value than your local mechanic? We may have a slight bias on this topic but who better to ask for a fair and balanced view than Consumer Reports. Consumer Reports 2015 Repair Satisfaction Survey found that when your car is ailing, odds are that you’ll be more satisfied with an independent repair shop than with a new-car dealership. The annual survey of Consumer Reports subscribers found that independents outscored dealership service once again for overall satisfaction, price, quality, courteousness of the staff, and work being completed when promised. With few exceptions, the entire list of independent ... read more
Posted on 9/24/2015

If you're wondering whether your car needs an alignment, first look at your tires. Uneven tire wear is a prime indicator that your car is likely out of alignment. Here are a few more indicators: your car seems to be drifting to one side, even when you think you're driving straight your steering wheel vibrates you are driving straight, but your steering wheel isn't centered Even if none of these indicators have occurred and it's been a while since your last alignment, you should check your owner's manual for the manufacturer's recommend service interval. An out-of-alignment car is a common result of everyday driving where your car's suspension can become worn and the springs can be stretched out. The alignment process restores the car's suspension into its proper configuration, positioning and adjusting components so that the wheels are aligned with one another ... read more